Acting as a digital citizen

The activities suggested by Lingu@num allow you to act as a citizen who is a user of both languages and digital technology. What does this mean? 

Acting as a citizen does not only mean getting involved in great causes. It is also and above all acting as a citizen in any activity you may carry out.

Discover the digital citizenship dimension of these activities. 

Way to act - safe

Actions taken must safeguard the integrity of equipment, applications, data and people, both oneself and others. It also means not causing unnecessary harm to the environment or to the physical and mental health of the people involved, etc. 

Way to act - informed

All information that is posted and shared on platforms must be checked and accurate.

Way to act - competent

All actions conducted online should be carried out on the premise of a minimum set of skills. These may be, for example, technological skills or the language skills needed to interact with other users on the chosen platform.

Way to act - consistent

It is about ensuring that the actions carried out on different platforms and in 'real' life are consistent and in line with one's own values. 

Way to act - ethical and responsible

All actions should be ethical and responsible (towards oneself, others, the environment, etc.). They should be fully accountable. This may mean respecting people's rights (copyright in particular or the RGPD) or favouring actions that promote democratic or eco-friendly values, etc. They could also contribute to the equal rights of people or emphasise minorities or groups of people who are less privileged than others. 


If you post a film review...

You can be expected to act in an informed manner: you must have seen the film in order to be able to talk about it. You should also act in an ethical and responsible way by being respectful of the film director and the opinions of other users of the platform. You may also want to think about the information you provide about yourself when you register on the site (thus acting in a safe way) and the technical knowledge you need to use this platform to the best of your ability (thus acting in a competent way). The choice of film is also important. You can choose a film that addresses gender issues or a film that deals with visible or invisible minorities or a social issue that you think is important. This falls under your responsibility as a citizen. 

If you decide to contribute to an online encyclopaedia ...

If you decide to contribute to an online encyclopaedia such as Wikipedia by adding the profile of a sports celebrity in your country, you may decide to select a woman, typically less represented in the encyclopaedia, or a sportsperson from a discipline that is less promoted by the media (thus acting in an ethical and responsible way). You will need to do some research on this sportsperson, in order to provide accurate and precise information about her/him (thus acting in an informed way) and make sure you know how the platform works (thus acting in a competent way). The information you share should also not be prejudicial to the person presented (acting in a safe way). It is also essential to choose a person who deserves to be featured in the encyclopaedia and who is likely to be of interest to other users in order to prevent an increase in the amount of superfluous data clogging up servers (acting in a safe way).