Examples of activities

Here are some examples of activities suggested by Lingu@num

You are crazy about music ...

You are crazy about music and you know all the lyrics of your favourite artist by heart. Not only the melody and rhythm of a song are important for you but also the meaning of the lyrics. Why not annotate the lyrics of a song on a platform like Genius in order to facilitate access to a larger community?

You love travelling and discovering different countries and cultures ...

You love travelling and discovering different countries and cultures. Before and during your trips, you often use platforms to get information about your travel destinations and the best places to visit. Why not post information or photos about a place you know well on an online map like Google Maps to help visitors find their way around?

Life without a computer or your gaming console would be unbearable for you ...

Life without a computer or your gaming console would be unbearable for you. You are particularly interested in computer games and you play as often as possible in your free time. You have been playing your current computer game for some time, so you know a lot about it. Why not post a review of this game on a gaming forum to introduce it to other users and inspire them to play it themselves?

You are planning your future career ...

You are planning your future career and you want to increase your visibility in the professional world and communities of your field. You also want to foster your networking skills. Why not create and publish a professional profile online on a professional networking platform like LinkedIn to help you to make new contacts and get familiar with the professional communities?