What types of activities?

What activities are suggested by Lingu@num?

These online activities are varied but are all taking place on participative sites. 

They cover many topics, from sport to fashion, from tourism to literature, from current affairs to cooking. The possibilities are endless.

While undertaking them, you can adopt different levels of action or engagement on the platforms. 

You can share information or existing contributions, you can create new content, post your own ideas or opinions and may even contribute to transforming online practices by using online platforms and tools in new ways or to promoting changes at a social, environmental, political level for example.

Any examples?

You can for example post comments or a question on a discussion forum, leave a review on a consumer site, post a story or join a conversation on a social media platform, post a video tutorial on a video-hosting platform, contribute to a wiki, etc.

The activities range from simple and short to complex and more lengthy and can cater for various language levels, interests, and degrees of involvement.

The choice is yours!

Where can you carry out these activities?

Many online sites, and especially participative sites, offer the possibility to interact with other users and post content. You may already be familiar with some of these sites and post on them. They include social media platforms, discussion forums, review sites, fanfiction websites, etc.

Example on Wikipedia 

Think, for instance, about Wikipedia. 

It is a free online encyclopaedia. Its content is entirely created and edited by volunteers who contribute to the development of the encyclopaedia for free. Everyone can thus participate. You can create a new page, add some information on an existing page or edit existing content.

Example on Instagram

Or think about Instagram where reels can be posted not only to have an online presence but also to share a message or an engaged viewpoint about social, political, economic or environmental matters for example. 

What types of activities can you carry out?

The following questions may help you to find suitable and interesting activities.

Interests, motivation, and expertise

Communities and platforms

Skills and competencies you want to practise

In the activities available in our catalogue, you will find many examples of platforms where you can post. We encourage you to explore these possibilities, to get inspired by the suggestions and to find activities of particular interest to you.